Photo: Concept design of the new K-5 elementary school (back right), which will be built adjacent to the Fort Vancouver Regional Library Operations Center at Mill Plain Blvd. and Fort Vancouver Way.
Update June 3, 2019: Construction on the downtown elementary school is expected to begin in January 2020.
Your bond dollars at work
Construction projects are underway throughout the district thanks to voter approval of the bond measure in 2017. Bond dollars, by law, are used only for capital building projects including school renovations; new and replacement schools; and upgrades such as roof repair and replacement, secure school entrances and heating and cooling system upgrades.
Here are updates on a few projects. You can find more information on our bond construction website.
Downtown elementary school
The projected opening of the K-5 school, which will be built adjacent to the Fort Vancouver Regional Library Operations Center, is fall 2021.
The learning environment of the school program will focus on:
- High quality instruction
- Integration of arts and innovation
- Computational thinking
- Project/problem-based learning
- Fun and joy
- Flexible schedules and spaces
- Community/business engagement/involvement
- Inclusive practices
- Assembly spaces for demonstration of learning
Columbia River High School
Construction is expected to begin June 2019 and be completed fall 2020.
- New 500 wing with direct access to school building
- Improvements to science classrooms, band and choir rooms
- Secure entrance
- Small Family-Community Resource Center
- Stadium restoration, new concessions and restrooms
- Track resurfacing
- Additional parking
Franklin addition and improvements
Construction is expected to begin July 2019 and be completed fall 2020.
- Five-classroom expansion and elimination of portables
- Additional restrooms
- Additional parking
- Improved area for drop-off and pick-up traffic
Sacajawea major upgrades
Construction is expected to begin July 2019 and be completed fall 2020
- New gym and covered play area
- Larger commons
- New kitchen
- New dance/creative movement studio
- Family-Community Resource Center
- New exterior siding and/or brick
Fir Grove Children’s Center
Construction schedule to be determined
- Replacement K-12 school to be built on Norris Road near GATE property
- Separate classroom wings will provide areas for older and younger students
- Secure courtyard for outdoor activities; a second sensory courtyard will support program needs
- Addition of a Family-Community Resource Center
Walnut Grove Elementary School
Construction schedule to be determined.
- Design phase is complete
- Replacement school will be built behind current school
- The new school will feature a large outdoor learning courtyard