Elementary schools

Stories about elementary schools (K-5 grades) in Vancouver Public Schools.

Apr 2019

Tell us about your school!

2019-04-11T13:18:43-07:00April 15th, 2019|Categories: Elementary schools, Secondary schools (6-12)|

Is your child excited to go to school? Do you feel welcome at your child's school? Does the school keep you well-informed about school activities? We're asking for your feedback about your child's school and want to hear your thoughts about important school characteristics including academic preparation, student support, family engagement, safety and accessibility of [...]

Jan 2018

From student to teacher: Training the next generation

2018-01-23T11:49:07-08:00January 9th, 2018|Categories: Design II strategic plan, Elementary schools, Programs of Choice, Secondary schools (6-12), Staff|Tags: , , , |

High school senior and Careers in Education student Scully Falcon-Rosas, center, reads to students in Carol Patrick's class at Ogden Elementary. “She’s really nice and she knows how to work with kids," said fifth-grader Jeremiah Miller. Careers in Education program of choice designed for future educators Elizabeth Janney’s first time in [...]

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