Getting the most out of our Mondays *and every day* at River

On September 4, instructional faculty at Columbia River High School designed graphic representations of what our “Academic Intervention Period” is designed to support.


This particular format is often called the Frayer Model. The product generated by small groups reflects the intentional focus on Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization and Reading (WICOR).


In a faculty meeting designed for teachers to review mutual expectations for school-wide “tutorial”, we collaborated to make our thinking visible for students. Our products were then posted our work in our busiest hallways.


In the Fall of 2018-2019, River spent significant of time and resources discussing what the Professional Learning Communities at River should look, sound and feel like. Faculty focused on PLC Question #3: “What do we do when students aren’t learning?” Our theory of action was that with more dedicated time and targeted interventions we would be able to address the needs of students in a more personalized manner.

With the schedule set for Semester 1 Intervention Periods on Mondays, followed by a 40 minute early release for students, instructional staff will have time to ensure that students are receiving more services and achieving at higher levels.

  • Link to our thinking posted on PhotoCircle
  • Link to our schedule for Mondays and rotations through periods 1-6