Our goal is to maximize student achievement, support a safe learning environment and increase career/college readiness for all students.

To accomplish this goal our counselors use strategies such as classroom lessons, small group activities and individual counseling sessions.

Our school counselors are organized by grade level to best support our students and their families as they move forward through high school. The school counselors also work with a variety of other professionals who also support students.

School counseling news

How counselors help

Academic success skills

  1. Pick out the most important things to study for a test.
    • Teachers will frequently tell you what’s important to study in the form of a review worksheet, a review day in class or during their lecture. If they don’t let you know, ask. Also, you can frequently find the most important things to study in your book in the form of keywords, headings, summaries, etc.
  2. Boost your memory.
    • Organize the most important facts into an outline or a concept map.
    • Put each important fact on a note card.
  3. Handle the pressure when you take a test.
    • Practice slow, deep breathing wherein your belly rises and falls with every in breath and out breath. Practice this in a quiet place at home and then use your deep breathing techniques before or during a tough exam or stressful situation.
    • Practice positive self-talk to manage your anxiety and boost your confidence.
  4. Know when your assignments are due and always turn them in on time. Get yourself a calendar, a planner or app to organize your assignments and due dates.
    • Make note of dates for progress reports and report cards.
    • Know which teachers accept late work and turn in late work if you have to.
    • Communicate with your teachers when you’re absent or take advantage of systems they have for absent students.
    • Check Synergy StudentVUE and ParentVUE regularly.
  5. Have at least one dependable study buddy in each class whom you can ask a question.
  6. Communicate with teachers when you are struggling in a class.
    • Request an appointment to your teacher, explain how you’re feeling using “I statements” and ask for their help to improve your grades and/or behavior.
  7. Learn to manage your frustration.
    • Know what triggers your frustration and practice healthy ways to handle it.
  8. Set realistic short- and long-term goals for yourself.
  9. Find a healthy balance of leisure and school work.
  10. Be at school 90 percent of the time or more.

Most students can improve their overall academic success by practicing a few simple techniques.

Our school counselors recognize that each student possesses unique interests, abilities and goals that will lead to various future opportunities. We work with students, families and other staff to ensure all students develop an academic and career plan.

Columbia River students have access to numerous programs and resources to help them reach their post-secondary (after high school) goals. These include but are not limited to those listed below. Please see your assigned school counselor if you have any questions.

School counselors design and deliver comprehensive school counseling programs that promote student achievement.

Most people know that high school counselors help individual students with goals setting, academic plans, career plans and problem-solving. We also help students in crisis or who may be struggling with social/emotional issues that are interfering with school.

However, school counselors also teach proactive classroom lessons in collaboration with teachers and other staff. We also design and manage programs for groups of students to ensure their success in and after high school.

Forecasting is the process by which students select classes as part of their four year plan. At Columbia River High School students select classes in Synergy StudentVUE each year.

More resources

SAT/ACT School Code 418460

Meet the counseling department

Kirin Casteel
Class of 2025 + 2026 (A-G)
Nathan Hockhalter
Counseling Intern
Echo Moran-Prince
Intervention specialist
Rachael Mortek
Class of 2027 + 2026 (H-O)
Katee Nikkila
Counseling Center Clerk
Jennifer Waller
Class of 2028 + 2026 (P-Z)