This year in an effort to maintain and increase access and equity for all students, Vancouver Public Schools will again pay for all 10th grade students to take the PSAT (Preliminary SAT). The PSAT is a practice college entrance exam most closely linked with the SAT.

Columbia River will be hosting the PSAT for it’s students on Wednesday, October 16, 2019. Testing will occur during the school day at Columbia River, starting at 7:30 am. All 10th grade students will be automatically registered and expected to participate in the PSAT, unless they complete the OPT OUT form. This is a great opportunity for students to take a version of the practice college admissions exam.

Testing will start at 7:30 am and will end at approximately 11:15 am. Students are not allowed to leave the exam early. Lunch will be available for students after the exam.

10th grade students wishing to Opt Out should use this link: and complete the form.



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