Students at Columbia River will soon begin planning for their next year coursework.

On Tuesday, March 12, students will have the opportunity to gather information about possible course choices in the annual Curriculum Fair. Students will be able visit short informational sessions about three different courses. Seniors will participate in a Financial Reality Fair during this time as well. Both the Curriculum Fair and Financial Reality Fair will take place on Tuesday afternoon during a special schedule.

During the last two weeks of March, counselors will be visiting English and History classrooms to work with students on schedule forecasting for next year. Students will be asked to bring home a forecasting planning form, to share their plans with parents and guardians. Please take a moment to go over student choices.

Forecasting is an important step in building the master schedule of classes for the 2019-20 school year, as we use this information to determine what courses and how many are offered.

Questions about forecasting or course options can be directed to your student’s counselor.