
Aug 2021

Fall Sports are about to start!

2021-08-09T13:20:14-07:00August 9th, 2021|Categories: Athletics|

Football starts on Wednesday August 18th. All other sports start on Monday August 23rd.   Head Coach Contact Information - Please reach out to coaches for specific questions.   Students must be registered and hold a valid ASB card ($35), and paid the athletic fee ($60) to participate in River Athletics. Students can sign up through FamilyID. [...]

Apr 2021

Email to Spring Sport Parents 4/15/21

2021-04-15T11:33:59-07:00April 15th, 2021|Categories: Athletics|

Spring Sport Parents, We couldn't ask for better weather so far! I hope that it continues for the remainder of the spring sports season. I am emailing today about everyone's favorite topic: masks and social distancing. Cowlitz County was moved back to Phase 2, and Clark County COVID numbers have increased over the last two [...]

Apr 2021

Winter Sports – Spring ’21

2021-04-15T11:31:51-07:00April 15th, 2021|Categories: Athletics|

Gymnastics started on April 12th!  Competitions will start in May. The rest of winter sports will begin on May 3rd, and competitions will start the week of the 10th.

Oct 2018

NCAA Athletic Eligibility Center Presentation

2018-10-17T14:40:37-07:00October 17th, 2018|Categories: Athletics, Counselors|

This presentation provided by the NCAA Eligibility Center provides information for all student athletes and their families about what is needed to participate in sports at the college level. Questions can be directed to your school counselor or Mr. Liberatore, Athletic Director.

Jun 2018

CR Summer Sports Information

2018-06-18T09:24:26-07:00June 18th, 2018|Categories: Athletics|

Every student-athlete must be cleared through FamilyID to participate in summer activities, games, tournaments, etc. There are no fees for summer clearance. Check for specific sport and contact details.

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