Have ideas about how to make the commute to Portland on the I-5 bridge better? The community wants to hear from students and is holding a listening session geared toward students!
Virtual – Tuesday, November 23, 2021 from 5:30 – 7:00pm
Registration is required. The registration link is on the flyer or click https://parametrix.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0tdeuqrDgpE9NV9uHDk5e-OJf8jS7MtQh9 In order to track registrations, please select “Partners in Careers” for the box “Were you invited by any of the following organizations?”
This listening session will provide an update on the progress of the Interstate Bridge Replacement (IBR) program, the preliminary design options, draft equity climate frameworks, and ways for you to stay informed and get involved along the way. Event participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and engage with program staff. This would be a fantastic opportunity for any civic-minded students or groups to get involved in the process.
$35 gift cards will be given to those who attend the meeting and identify as being from a community of concern as defined by the program. Students cannot be paid by another organization to participate, and must attend the session. After the meeting eligible youth will receive an email asking which gift card you would like to receive. All gift cards will be electronic!
ASL will be provided. For translations, interpretation or accommodations, please email: translations@interstatebridge.org. This opportunity is being offered by Partners in Careers.
This program is not sponsored by Vancouver Public Schools. Approval to distribute flyers is a community service and does not imply endorsement.